Cards for Culture Game

Cards for Culture Game

Dare to Be Different. Dare to THRIVE

Companies have never had access to a tool like Cards for Culture© before. Powerful insights. Tough conversations. Alignment. Actionable direction. Fun.

What Exactly IS Cards for Culture?

Cards for Culture is a game designed for business that is both enjoyable and insightful. Think of it as one of the most fun consulting sessions you'll ever be a part of. More importantly, Cards often leads to participants sharing in unexpected ways and learning things about themselves, their coworkers and their companies that they work for that they may not have realized previously. The goal is to help you come away with an actionable plan on how to help your company's culture to improve and become more sustainable.

As for who plays, that's really up to you and your organization. Some companies find it beneficial to involve people from throughout the company so as to have the broadest representation. Others realize that culture starts with leadership  and they use Cards as a tool to help think through and define their long-term goals objectives.

How long does it take to play Cards for Culture? That depends on a lot of variables including the number of people playing and whether you lead the game yourself or work with a trained facilitator. Still, we advise clients to set aside at least 90 minutes to two hours to play (though a number of companies have gotten so immersed that they've run longer or to hold multiple sessions).

We believe that culture is vitally important to the long-term success of any business, but it is often the hardest to get our arms around. Cards for Culture is designed to allow you to talk about where you are today but also to look ahead to where you'd like to be, and to have these sometimes tough conversations in a way that is fun and open.

Ways to Play the Game...


Cards for Culture includes an online training class to give you the basic tools needed to start your own culture change journey.

We Facilitate

Engage one of our Culture Coaches to facilitate up to two 2-hour sessions for you and your team. We'll serve as an objective guide helping to improve adoption and accountability.


We will not only facilitate your game but hold a comprehensive integration workshop with your team. Leaders come away with a customized People Plan to drive culture success.

You As Trained Facilitator

Consider becoming an official Trained Facilitator for the Cards for Culture game. Not only will this help you drive success in your organization but it enables you to assist others as well. (Offers CEU)

Interested to Learn More?

Cards for Culture Editions

Building from the original starter deck, we are pleased to introduce new Cards for Culture editions that can help you extend the impact of this powerful tool to other important areas of your business and culture. Explore our shop to see what is currently available.

Cards for Culture game sitting on a table


Recruitment Edition


Leadership edition (coming soon)


Wellness Edition (coming soon)

Have another idea for an edition? Contact us!

What People Are Saying about Cards for Culture...

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