From grassroots to game plan, this book is the intersection of meaningful work, strong culture, and you. Our template called the THRIVE Model helps level-up your culture game (at work and home): helping today’s leaders succeed in tomorrow’s world. Unlike others books about workplace culture, MB builds on a heart-rooted foundation and utilizes an actionable model in order to grow. Taking culture action will change your world – for the better. Everyone wins when culture is strong.
How can you create a thriving company culture in a post-pandemic world that also spans multiple generations of working people? Can you also create opportunities for growth, rebranding, reflection, and innovation? If you’d like to answer, “Yes!” to both of these questions, then Culture Impact is a book that demands your time and attention.
Melanie Booher is considered, by many, as a name to know in the game of workplace culture transformation; here, she has collected a powerhouse team of authors who have offered their years of experience working in HR on how to create a passion within people for the work that they do everyday. Whether the work begins with silencing your inner critics, expanding the inclusion of critics within your culture, strengthening your leaders to guide to stronger integrity, or cultivating a workplace culture that is noticed and awarded by others, it’s all here in Culture Impact — come and take the first step!
Influence Network Media is thrilled to present our newest series, Women In Business. In this series you will explore the stories, guidance, and dedication of truly dedicated and hardworking women who excel in their fields- not despite the fact that they’re women, but because they are women. In Heart Driven, the stories of true power emerge- the stories of women who take on the hardest and most important job of all: motherhood. The women who authored these chapters will fill the reader with a strong sense of purpose and guidance for any mother looking for a light to guide them through the pressing times of championing a career and surviving motherhood.
Business success for organizations starts with their people. To ensure the right talent is hired and retained, organizations need to have cohesiveness between talent acquisition, talent development, and talent management. Talent Fusion provides strategies to accomplish cohesiveness and collaboration between these areas.
Our authors are experts in talent acquisition, development, and management. Their stories, insights, and best practices are sure to help organizations be successful in hiring and retaining top talent today and into the future.
Are you an entrepreneur or business owner with an endless to-do list - where to even begin? Look no further than Influence Network Media’s latest publication created by business professionals, Powerhouse. This group of men and women are experts in their fields and are the trusted advisors needed on your short list. They have compiled their wisdom and business expertise into an easy and accessible book that’s sure to take care of any lingering questions you may have about conquering a successful business in today’s market.
True and effective leadership is a quality that must be practiced and perfected. Leadership Fusion is the next installment from Influence Network Media that features an impressive collection of leaders across various fields with a unified goal in mind: fill the world with strong and effective leadership that inspires. These professionals have gathered their years of experience and expertise to deliver a polished product that's geared towards helping professionals become the type of leaders they wish to be and that they could work for.
How does the world define effective leadership? What separates a strong leader from a person who is just not meant to lead? In Leadership Fusion, our authors tackle these questions and provide the reader with much-needed guidance for meaningful leadership in the midst of a world that is longing for leaders who lead with strength and integrity.
In a world that’s become accustomed to staying home, the process of selling has changed. So, how does a salesperson create a strategy to scale their business in 2022; and beyond? Our skilled, knowledgeable, and insightful authors will provide strategies for those of you who wish to understand the mentality and psychology behind the success of a salesperson in a changing world!
The Business Fusion Book Series connects small to midsize leaders to business experts who can guide them and bridge the gap between sales and the many other branches of business to help you navigate them all with ease for ultimate success!
How does a business create a marketing strategy to scale their business in today and beyond? Talent Fusion provides marketing strategies for the future of small to midsize businesses who wish to scale and grow their business.
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